
What better way to communicate the impact that cow’s have on the environment, and why eating plant-based food is better for our world. Than, to create a giant inflatable cow with a huge butt plug.

The campaign.

You never quite expect an email to come to your inbox with the question 'Can you make us a giant inflatable cow with a butt plug?'! After a good 10 minutes of laughter we picked ourselves off the floor and got right to work. Several phone-calls and emails later we had sourced a partner specialising in bespoke inflatables... that was the easy part.

As well as being a PR stunt designed to catch the attention of onlookers, this was also a chance to sample products to the public, so there were several obstacles to overcome. Food preparation, staffing, a suitable location and power to a temporary structure. Luckily we were able to achieve all of this in just 6 weeks.

The results.

The fact that we made some people smile whilst helping address the issue around meat consumption and carbon emissions was a double win for everyone on the day. Not only did we set out what we promised to deliver, but there was organic media attention on the day as well as catching the eye of a journalist from the Evening Standard.


The Jolly Hog


Taylors of Harrogate